We’re delighted that the IAA has been granted Core Participation status for the COVID-19 inquiry.
Baroness Hallett DBE, Chair of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry recognised the significant contribution made by independent ambulance providers during Covid, and the role played by IAA Directors and the Association in acting as the interface between NHS England and independent providers, and disseminating information.
It’s rewarding to know that the experiences and contribution of the independent ambulance sector will be recorded, together with areas where we feel improvements could be made.
Pictured below are IAA Executive Chairman Alan Howson, and Deputy Chairman Ali Hashim meeting with the legal team representing the Association: Richard Jory (Kings Counsel, far left) and Chris Parker (Barrister, far right) from the Foundry Chambers, and Solicitors Linda Barker (2nd from right) and Olivia May Rose (3rd from left) from Duncan Lewis Solicitors Ltd.